Its march
24 and its snowing. Bloody snowing. Oh..wait….looks like the weather gods are
done pissing snow. stopped now…… WOW, its suddenly sunny…….korea man..korea. (lupin
the week that passed by was nothing but a marathon. I usually wear a running
shoe while going to the classes because it is all about how fast I sprint. You
have the assignment marathon, classroom quiz triathlon, project work decathlon,
fasting pentathlon and so on. With the first midterms in clear sight, the
coaching staff will be squeezing the life out of everyone, anyone.

such heavy mental and physical pressure to cope up with, I thought writing
about someone whom we have always given a thought to, someone who has changed
our lives forever, someone who you can’t connect via facebook, someone who was
the most genius of all, someone we can never ever meet…would be a better idea. Although
I never got to know him enough, we ate the same meal, shared the same dorm,
took the same classes, grew up together. Rephrasing, he was basically a part of
our daily lives for almost all years spent at our residential school. 959
is worth noting to think how a person has an incredible potential to shape our
lives and our future. Directly or indirectly, short term or long, Aaditya has
changed everyone’s lives. The people who got refused for A levels at our school
for expressing their emotions after his demise are possibly the once hardest
hit. Yet there’s no denying that I could have not ended up in Korea, you could
have not ended up where you are, the guys who came in A levels could have not
got in and so forth, had he been still alive. For instance, we would have never
organized the Cricket tournament on his name, the media would have never
covered about it, I wouldn’t have got sunburnt, we would have never witnessed
how dedicated Amit aka “ghoda”, “guy who has the useless nak” could work, THAT
guy taking a nap in the nearby fields would have probably lived to see another
day (details later). His demise triggered a chain reaction in our fundamental system
that has and will affect all of our future.

can you say about Aaditya? He was the best of the crop, the brainiest of all of
us studying at Budhanilkantha. We were all aware of our school’s reputation and
on top of that he screwed us all up. An extraordinary talent, he consistently
won school level scholarly prizes, appeared in the Principles Merit list almost
all of the time and at the same time, excelled at sports too. He would have
been an important asset to a nation that’s wretched by a decade’s worth of
bloodshed and constant instability. As the cliché goes, good people don’t live
was the summer of 2004, our first term exams were in full swing. I was busy
answering my question paper when I forgot something fairly simple. It was our
Agriculture exam and the question read:

“The local name of a hybrid cow species that had blahblahblah features”_________
(remember those stupid blanks? Sad we don’t get them these days.)
was right in front of me sooo I had to take my chance.
Psssssssst! Aaditya, whats 1c? naaam kere?
*turns his paper and then pulls his ear lobe*
(at this point I thought he didn’t get the question) 1c, 1c!
*Pulls his earlobes harder*
was most puzzling was that he had an ear of He couldn’t have
possibly not hear what I just said.
THEN it hit me. Laamkane!!! (translated as “long ears”) . Of course! The breed’s
name was Laamkane!
you can see, I don’t need to explain too much about him.
dear friend. Losing someone you don’t know but hear it from somewhere is
depressing enough, losing a friend has no bounds. It’s unfortunate that people
like us are still behind to clean up the mess around when we clearly needed
you. We will never forget the final time we set our eyes upon you in that stupid-scary
hospital, your eyes closed, your body white as snow, the complex blue system of
nerves that surfaced over your chest and….. that subtle smile on your face.
very heart-touching Abhu... So sorry to hear about your loss! :(