Cat Molestation > Return of L.Sauron style) the semester’s done. There’s no stopping time is there?
nearly infinite assignments, an infinite-1 exams, an infinite-2 hangovers, an
infinite-3 “I don’t what the hell is happening” moments, infinite-4 projects
that don’t make sense, infinite-5
ZZZzzzzz on top of the table and
infinite-6 lunch misses, the semester has finally come to an end. My faced
looked as if a cat jumped on to my face, molested it completely and pooped a
small tiny poop as I was making my way to a hotdog stand. Of course, I did try
to get even on those useless “meows” as I went all Scarface inside a pet store
but then again got half molested by a half alien-half fat-half ugly cat. Too
many halfs. You got my point anyways.
you think I exaggerate too much, you should see halal do it. He’s up there in
all time exaggerate-tors hall of fame. He has a scale of over a million while
he talks, so don’t blame me for stealing some of his ultra-imaginative talent.)

slowly make my way in, bowing as far down as possible. I then realize that I
really need to work out. My beer belly just limits everything these days. Homer
will be laughing his ass out.
press the 12th floor button
“Things must be tough on you”
didn’t reply. Just nodded. My cat molested face said it all.
sign marks 3rd floor* goddammit, why cant these elevators go any
“So you are a Master’s degree student?”
am the ONLY brown guy in his class and he doesn’t remember me. That’s depressing.
You made me carry your laptop last week remember?
Or do I need a shave?
“I am in your solid mechanics class prof.” mustering a weak smile.
“Ah! Exams this Friday?”
“you brought it forward by a day Prof”
“Right! Thursday it is”
“TING” sound was possibly the sweetest sound I had to hear in a while, besides
that long distance voice. I bow again, the belly does it thing again, and I
walk out free. That didn’t go well though.
morning’s quarterfinal game between needs little discussion as we all know Greece
got hammered by a young, fluent and exciting German side and its worth noting
to see that they are possibly the once lifting the trophy in July 1st.
Certainly there’s no Torres (he just sucks these days) and Puyol (thank
football gods that the monster is out injured) to spoil the party like they did
in 2008 and 2010 respectively.
will have my share of the blog till here. Unlike other guest writers that I have made requests, he seems to be only guy genuinely interested to contribute so
cheers to you. I have now an urgent matter of going out and meeting new people
so I will leave you with his blog.
Dude With The Scooter
Suzuki AN125 with black shades and luminous white tops harvested the
subconscious jealousy of my friends and foes alike. The white light it
reflected when the sun caressed upon its buttocks could make every saint
corneous. It was truly marvelous.
day I brought the 125, I thought with all my macho man image of myself, a self-defense
mechanism to my masculinity since I had brought a scooter, that I was the Hells
Angels dude “riding the lightning”. But however “Rock and Rolla” I could
conceive of myself the vanity of such speculations led way to grief. Sublime
grief. I felt feminine!
paroxysm of joy of having a brand new ride was suddenly and overwhelmingly
eclipsed by the uncanny yet obvious feminine guilt which now had crawled upon
my spasmodically depressed brain. Was it
the worst mistake of my youth? To buy such a womanish two wheeler or was it
actually a boon in disguise. To have perceived a feeling so strange and strong
that it freed me of my bawdy self-pitying sate of manhood which resented all postmodern
overtly amorous man, was a ruthlessly hysterical sensation and I was the snake
whilst the scooter my charmer.
am free! I thought. To be a woman, such divine and the approval of my inner
self was sincere while the Bob Dylan song sprung upon my feminine heart. The
answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the-
swear I didn’t do anything. Not my fault. The rain and mud had conspired
together to relieve me of this impure sensation. It was them. Now I believe in
god. The 125 incomprehensively and supernaturally slipped, slided and glided and flipped in the air before crashing into the garage door of some poor old mechanic's shop.
Like in the movies
that it happens to the bad guys, the side kicks of the real bad guy who are
just in the movie to get beaten and depict the hero’s awesome intelligence
which we the audience perceive it as the bad guys are morons falling into such
simple unworthy traps. Yup! I slipped like those morons. And into the rear end
of a microbus.
my new found feminine sensation? Who cares! I never felt that way again. I am a
man and I stand by my balls.
surprisingly, the micro bus driver showed indifference to my misfortune like it
happens all the time. Just like love. Any Beatles fan will remember the line:”
Do you believe in love at first sight? (Paul, Ringo and George) Yes, it happens all the time” (John). I was
right. The micro driver moved on without any resent, sympathy or anger I should
had caused him. It was just an accident. Well! I wish I was more right.
I lay in the muddy not to mention filthy road and had just raised my head and
conceived what had happened in super slow motion a passerby dude ran like The
Flash. All I saw was the golden blaze of the Flash dude. He lifted up the
scooter on its wheels and very very very very very (a hundred thousand times)
moronically drew the accelerator. Since, the engine wasn’t dead and the 125 did
its job to ricochet past the small crowd which had gathered and cautiously left
way for the scooter with the crazy dude who was hilariously sprinting with my
scooter not knowing what to do next.
Obviously he left his hand off the scooter
and without any rider or a “crazy handler” in this case, the scooter flipped up
in the air after bumping at the ledge of the pavement and did a 180 in the air (just
like the dirt bikers do in ESPN) and into the garage door of a mechanic’s shop.
colored and stoic looking imbecile stood there motionless and blue. He truly
was shocked and was surely cursing his fate. I walked into the scene like a cop
inquisitive of the crime while the poor chap stood there like a man who had
been manipulated to commit the sin. I shook my head in disapproval of his
action and calmly tried to lift the scooter and made it stand at its
double-stand. Then I curiously glanced at the scooter from right to left. And
from the corner of my eye I saw the guy standing there ready to pay all the
fines he thought I would impose upon him. I sure did looked like a scavenging
capitalist to the poor chap. His day! My political views turned to be
patted upon his left shoulder and said, “Its okay, I know you tried to help”.
The black and blue face transgressed into a happy countenance just like my
friend whose face had expressed the joy when I told him it was okay to
masturbate 7 times a day and all guys did it. He was in utter paroxysm of joy.
I knew telepathically.
in Kathmandu knows what happens when an accident occurs or a guy with a monkey
sits in a chair or a girl walks in with a mini skirt and cool shades or a guy
sings a Justin Bieber song at the top of his voice (actually in this case the
guy gets beaten to death, its all Megadeth here) or a person says that he hates
football. A throng of people appear to speculate and analyze the situation so
that they would catch the funny side of the event and tell it to their friends
and have a good laugh. We all love a good laugh don’t we? And I was the laugh to every person who ever
saw my misfortune that day. All I could do was to repair the scooter and move
I was the side kick of the bad guy in this film.
The bad guy was God.
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