Hey Spider! Kiss my brown...asparagus.
The AC got all moody and decided not to work today so basically we are
sleeping in the middle of Sahara dessert. The stupid remote shows that it’s ON
, shows a sweet 18 degrees but the main headquarters refuses to comply. Our in-house electrical engineer *Ahhmm* halal has absolutely no clue what’s wrong
with his “product”. Thank whoevers up there that they decided to make it rain.
Atleast its semi-sahara now.

We did however come up with titles that would want to make
the next spidy director think deep. This time it was Amazing. Next it’s
gonna be “the Excellento Spiderman” then “ the Superbo Spiderman”, “Ass
kicker/licker Spiderman” then “C+ Spiderman” then “Engineering Mathematics
Spiderman”..ok this is not getting funny anymore. If you ask me about the film,
I say you ought to get 3 liters of draft beer instead.
However, I did meet a very old friend of mine. She is
leaving for Banglore next week so will be meeting again to discuss how to not get
food poisoned there. And of course, how to avoid getting kidnapped. Yes, she is
going ALONE. Kidding, she will have a good time…..volunteering.
My eyes are killing
me..so I just might end the blog here. I wanted the stupid web to be cleaned up
from my already overheated, Korean language abused brain so I just thought writing
it down would help me sleep better. I will be back tomorrow, after some “skyping”
with the closest people I have and a much awaited free jam session with my very
talented peers.
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