We ALL have something to talk about our Roommate(s)

For last week and before that, in exception to the weekends,
coming back from 301 to the dorms was often delayed to 2 am which obviously
meant that the guy behind me was dozing off.
And by the time I woke up he was already gone. So basically what’s
happening here is that even if we do live in the same room, we don’t see each
other. I see halal more often these days, even if he is one annoying prick.(although he is developing superior sense of humor these days)
What I do know about my roommate, and what I tell you about
him is that he is a nice guy. When I used to live with Halal, our room was
divided into two portions: One side spotlessly clean, the other one looking
like somebody just dropped a nuke. These days there’s more consistency in how
it looks on both sides; meaning both sides are nuked as hell. He understands me. He is nice to talk to and
practice my never improving Korean, he shares the same love for food as me and
he is the only Korean who prefers Fifa to League of Legends. I desperately need
a gamepad although I can’t expect to compete with Koreans in anything. I cant even beat my own clone on that game. Any
game. Except league of legends if I play teemo.
Everything about him seemed fine. I lived in the dorms all
my life and I have a high level of tolerance to what happens around my bed (on
my bed as well), so I do get along with people well. I think they have more
problems with me than I have problems with them. So its all chill. Untill one
I came back to my room sick and tired of 301, took a quick
shower, got something to eat after all the brushing and quietly slipped inside
my bed. And then I hear something very
strange. I cant really express it in words but I recall it being a mix of wild
animal sounds. Imagine a penguin on an iceberg crying out for its..mm..mom lets
say, and then juxtapose it to (change the scenario to the wild grass fields of
Africa) a zebra crying out when an crocodile gets hold of it while it’s just
trying to drink some f*&^ing water (not cool croc, not cool) and then remix
it with a track of the worst possible sound on earth (could be your Prof voice,
that angry lady at the book store who wouldn’t give you the book you want, halals
voice, me speaking Korean..atleast I try) and wollahh! what you have in your
mind is the sound that my roommate makes while he is sleeping. A truly talented
specimen. Of all the people I have shared room with all these years, he makes
the most absurd noise while on sleep. And trust me, I have heard horrible shit.
I thought he was drugged when he did
that for the first time. I honestly would have preferred Maskey Senior’s “earthquake”
snore to this.
To be fair, I do share my dads genes in that respect but
man..making DJ’ed animal sound while
sleeping is a whole new level. Ideally, you are supposed to talk to your roommate
and find a common solution to the given problem (which is huge), but I don’t think
talking really solves the problem. If he does not do that, he is NOT him for
christs sake.
But I like to see things in positive light. Suppose, lets
just suppose he turns up to be a criminal. A big gangster guy although by
judging the manner through which he expresses himself, this is highly unlikely
but who knows? So suppose he becomes a criminal and he does this all horrible
shit on people and then goes on to do the plastic surgery and the police have a
hard time finding out exactly who they caught, they know just the right guy
with the right technique to figure that out.
“Officer”..i will say, giving them that Tony Stark look… “give
them all a sleeping pill.In the mean time, i want a glass of water and toblerone”
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