50K View Landmark: Madeinepal in Numbers
Madeinepal reached a landmark a few weeks ago crossing over that 50,000 view threshold. Although I assume half it comes from me reading my own blog or my parents checking on what I am up to, the numbers are still significant.
The blog, in past three years has sort of gone through a identity crisis as it tries to cover a wide spectrum of topics from embedded system designs to alcohol stories to MoMos to more MoMos to book reviews. It's almost like blog forgot what it was actually made for; writing about products that are distinctly Nepali. The blogger soon realized that to have a consistent source for material, he needed to be in that country and not somewhere else doing research that no body is interested in and so forth, had to direct the topics to personal experiences of people who were, obviously, made in Nepal.
Here, I present you the numbers behind the landmark, and give you a sense of how the blog has grown over the years:
Guest Bloggers: 4
Total Number of Blogs: 206
Average Daily Current Page View: 150
Average Daily Page View when updated: 250
Average Daily Page View 2 years ago: 10
Total Page Views in Blog's History: 51,246
Grand Total number of audiocasts: 1
Biggest Audience Source: United States (21778)
Biggest Daily Page View: 1550
Most Popular Blog: Photo Blog: Budhanilkantha School Vintage'79 Stills (1904) [HERE]
Grand Total Amount of Money Made: $0
Number of times MoMo: has appeared on the blog: ∞
I will be taking a break from my normal blogging duties and will be posting updates on my research on the blog over the next few weeks so if that's not your cup of tea, I will be talking to you later.
Anyways, thanks for stopping by and wasting your time.
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